Risposte Turismo research focuses on the role of the Mediterranean on the world cruise scene

Aereal view of the port of Ancona (Source: MedCruise)A drop of 7.1% in passengers handled (embarking, disembarking and in transit) in Italian cruise ports (10.3 million) and 9.6% in calls (4,500), due in particular to the lower number of cruise ships that will be passing through the ports in the Mediterranean compared to 2016.

These, in short, are the updated forecasts for the cruise traffic expected in Italy in 2017 (passengers embarking, disembarking and in transit) drawn up by Risposte Turismo – a research and consulting company at the service of the tourism macro-industry – and contained in the seventh edition of the “Speciale Crociere” report on cruise tourism, available on the website of Risposte Turismo.

“Cruise traffic figures in Italy continue to remain around the 11 million passengers mark”, said Francesco di Cesare, President of Risposte Turismo, “sometimes rising above that figure, others falling below it”.

In addition to the updated forecasts for cruise traffic in 2017 in Italian ports, the new edition of “Speciale Crociere” drawn up by Risposte Turismo contains an analysis of the number of bed-days on cruise ships per area of destination.

This analysis by Risposte Turismo shows that in 2017, the Mediterranean could register the lowest percentage of world cruise line deployment in the last 10 years: 15.5%, compared to 18.3% in 2016 and 16.4% in 2007.

The report also contains a preview of the ranking of the top 10 Mediterranean ports in terms of passengers handled in 2016.

Risposte Turismo is a research and consulting company at the service of the tourism macro-industry, founded and chaired by Francesco di Cesare, among the top experts on cruise sector. Risposte Turismo has been dealing with cruise industry for years now, and is the leading research and consulting firms in Italy in this sector of the tourist industry.

Since 2011, it has been organising Italian Cruise Day, the event that has become a benchmark for the Italian cruise sector, this year in its seventh edition (scheduled for 6 October in Palermo), since 2013, Adriatic Sea Forum – cruise, ferry, sail & yacht, the itinerant international event dedicated to maritime tourism in the Adriatic Sea that will be held this year on 27 and 28 April in Budva (Montenegro) and since 2016, Shopping Tourism. Il forum italiano, the first event dedicated to the shopping tourism phenomenon in Italy.

(Risposte Turismo)