Virgin Voyages invests in Climeon revolutionary technique for reversing climate change

The three major fossile free energy sources in the future will be solar power, wind power….and “heat power”. Heat power is the third alternative to produce energy in a large scale for a sustainable future according to Climeon. With units not bigger than 2 m3.

Climeon makes energy out of warm water or heat. Can be used in big processes, with huge output of energy in hot places like steel plants, cement factories and data centers.

A typical data center consumes up to 50 MW of data, similar to 30,000 households. With this solution, the energy produced could reduce CO2 emissions similar to an amount that would take 10 million trees 30 years to absorb.

But also in smaller units as Sir Richard Bransons “Virgin Voyages”, three new cruise ships where Virgin have invested in Climeons technology, transforming the cooling water into new energy that will be reused on the ship.

The resulting environmental impact will be an estimated 5,400 tons of carbon dioxide savings annually per ship, the line says, — an amount that would take 180,000 trees 30 years to absorb.

Climeon CEO Thomas Öström: “As WWF recognizes, heat power has the potential to be a major cornerstone in the fight to solve the climate crisis. At Climeon we are immensely proud to be a leader and pioneer in this work.”

In a pioneering move, Virgin Voyages announced in October the world’s first full-scale deployment of Swedish based Climeon’s heat power solution on all of their cruise ships. The resulting environmental impact will be an estimated 5,400 tons of carbon dioxide savings annually per ship — an amount that would take 180,000 trees 30 years to absorb.

However, the potential of Climeon Ocean goes far beyond the shipping industry. Steel plants, cement plants, aluminium plants – and data centers to mention but a few. US based Aligned Energy recently announced their plans to power data centers with heat power from Climeon. By connecting Climeon Ocean to geothermal heat from wells, data-centers can be powered by constant and reliable 100% green electricity.

A typical data center consumes up to 50 MW of data, similar to 30,000 households. With this solution, the energy produced could reduce CO2 emissions similar to an amount that would take 10 million trees 30 years to absorb.

Thanks to Climeon Ocean, Virgin Voyages ships will get electricity made from the cooling water from the ships engine, heat that would otherwise be dumped.
