Tunisia Welcomes First Cruise Ship Since Fatal Museum Attack

La Goulette Cruise terminal received on 06/10/2016 the first call of the year with Europa ship from German Hapag Lloyd. Europa have called from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time carrying on board about 300 passengers.

The theme of the cruise was “oriental charm and sublime voice” since organized on board throughout the cruise vocalise an International Contest Stella Maris with the elite of classical music in partnership with eight opera houses in world.

La Goulette was the second stop on the cruise that had started in Barcelona, and included 11 stops in Algeria, Morocco, Spain and Portugal.
As usual, a warm welcome was reserved for passengers of the ship from unloading at la Goulette cruise Village with jasmine, camels, an exhibition of local handicrafts, entertainment and Arabic music.

The passengers left the port early in the morning for a half day excursion to discover the tourist attractions of the city like the ruins of Carthage, Carthage Museum, the village of Sidi Bou Said and the Medina of Tunis.

In the afternoon a reception was held in the village with the help of Tourism and port authorities in honor of the captain of the ship, its staff and passengers. A welcome address was given by Madam Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts followed by a gift exchange with the Ship Captain.

Since the cruise aboard the Europa theme was classical music, passengers attended a performance of opera singing accompanied with a piano provided by the young tenor Tunisian Hassan Doss in the La Goulette cruise village theater. It was followed by an original cocktail and a tasting of Tunisian sweets.

Ultimately every passenger received a bottle of Tunisian wine as a goodbye gift offered by the National Office of Tunisian Tourism.
At 5pm, the ship departed to the city of Skikda in Algeria to continue his 14-day cruise.

(Goulette Cruise Terminal)