The 2016-2017 Cruise Industry News China Market Report is now available

Comprehensive PDF report detailing the China and Asia-Pacific cruise market, with China growth projections through 2021. Also includes interviews with leading brands in the Chinese market, port news/updates, travel agent pricing (charter) discussion and much more.

Over 70 pages of data and exclusive analysis, research, interviews, articles and more. Stats going back to 1998 and projections through 2021, including breakout of the Chinese cruise market through 2021, with forecasted capacity growth projections.

This Special China Cruise Industry Market Report Includes:

– Year-by-year market reports on China from 2015 through 2021.
– Interviews with top executives at major cruise brands operating in the Asia-Pacific and Chinese market, including new Chinese cruise lines.
– Articles looking at all major brands and companies in the market.
– Discussions of the sales model and pricing, including interviews with major travel agencies.
– Market data from 1998 through 2021+, showing supply projections and capacity.
– Market capacity breakdown for Asia/Pacific and Chinese markets by cruise line.
– A look at the current and future Asia/Pacific cruise fleet.
– Asia/Pacific port passenger traffic data.
– Fully independent reporting and research.

(Cruise Industry News)