European port associations release Code of practice for cruise ports

Speaking with a united voice, European cruise ports associations published today (June 1st), under the umbrella of the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO), a Code of practice for cruise and ferry ports.

MedCruise is proudly co-signing the Code, a valuable tool to be used in promoting sustainable passenger traffic growth but also communicating ports perspectives to stakeholders and policy-makers.

The five sections of the European Code are devoted to the discussion of competition and cooperation between ports; the importance of infrastructure developments; security of cruise operations; the improvement of the relations of ports and the hosting cities and destinations; and the structuring of relationships between ports and cruises and ferry lines and their associations.

The document, which was officially released today in Dublin, during a special session of the annual ESPO Conference 2016.

This is the first major outcome of the work conducted within the pan-European Network of cruise and ferry ports that has brought together the five regional European cruise ports associations- MedCruise, Cruise Europe, Cruise Baltic, Cruise Britain, and Cruise Norway- and ESPO in a strategic cooperation to share expertise and effectively represent the sector towards European institutions.

The Code provides a united cruise ports voice that informs policy makers and the public about the characteristics, challenges, and bottom-up initiatives undertaken by European cruise ports. At the same time it strengthens ports efforts to endorse best practices and enhance their performance.​

Kristian Pavić, MedCruise President states: “MedCruise members are excited with the opportunity to present with fellow associations a Code of practice that unite all European ports and conclude on the best ways to address key challenges, point best practices, and detail foundations of relations with ports users. MedCruise ports will confidently continue to seek further growth of the 27 million passengers and 13.200 cruise calls hosted per year, while actively strengthening the voice of a Network speaking with one voice for the European cruise and ferry ports sector”.

Speaking under his capacity as Chairman of the Network, MedCruise Honorary President Stavros Hatzakos emphasised that “through the setting up of the Network, ESPO has created a platform for discussion about the challenges that exist in many ports”, stating that “this platform will also help in demonstrating the contribution of the cruise and ferry port sector to the local and regional economy and tourism in Europe”.
