MedCruise celebrates 20 years of growth in the Med and the Black Sea

Odessa: the Passenger TerminalThe 48th MedCruise General Assembly to be held 22-25 June 2016 in Odessa, Ukraine, will mark the celebrations of 20 years since the birthday of the major cruise port Association of the world.

The event will bring together MedCruise members and invited Cruise line executives in one of the most neuralgic cruise ports to jointly shape the future of the sector in the Med and the Black Sea.

The programme includes:
– Plenary sessions discussing latest developments.
– Round-table workshops engaging ports and cruise lines in advancing “best practices to serve the sector”.
– Business-to-business (B2B) meetings between cruise lines executives  and MedCruise members to strengthen business relationships.

Registrations to commence: April 4, 2016.
