Port of Turku active in environmental investments

Approaching the port from Turku Archipelago sea (Courtesy Port of Turku)The Port of Turku together with the Finnish ports Naantali and HaminaKotka, Ports of Stockholm and Viking Line have been granted EU funding to “The Northern ScanMed Ports – Sustainable Maritime Links” environmental project.

The objective is to improve energy-efficiency in port operations and shipping, provide onshore power and reception of ship waste and waste water. This will contribute to the development of sustainable, more environmentally friendly shipping between Finland and Sweden.

During 2016 the Port of Turku will construct two more fixed connections for receiving waste water serving both passenger and cargo vessels. This will ensure sufficient reception capacity for all vessels calling Turku. The Port will also improve its capacity to supply shore power to vessels throughout their berth time, when desired.

(Port of Turku)