Adventure Canada to offer promotion on its Greenland & Wild Labrador expedition

The Ocean EndeavourAdventure Canada is still rolling out an exciting promotion on its 2016 Greenland & Wild Labrador expedition. From now until December 18, 2015, any passenger booking aboard this exceptional sailing will receive a stunning 30% off their berth cost.

This extraordinary sailing, on board the Ocean Endeavour, showcases a staggering geographic diversity, departing the rocky narrows of St. John’s harbour and heading north along the coast of Newfoundland. We’ll explore islands and inlets in Notre Dame Bay and stop at L’Anse aux Meadows to pay our respects to North America’s Viking visitors before leaving Newfoundland behind and heading north into Labrador.

Once there, we’ll sail along dazzling, rocky coastlines and call at immense beaches and long-abandoned communities. We’ll visit the seat of the Inuit government as we move further north, and eventually will find our way into the stunning fjords of the Torngat Mountains National Park. In the park, mountains will tower above us as the azure waters mark our passage below; we will be scanning the horizon for icebergs, whales, polar bears, seals—and, of course, the abundance of nesting seabirds.
The Labrador coast has to be seen to be believed. We will do more than see it, as we head ashore on daily Zodiac expeditions to hike the secret wilds of Canada’s hidden coast.

We then turn east and ever northward, crossing the Davis Strait en route to Greenland. Once there, we will explore the world’s northernmost capital city and plumb the many fjords for which the western coast is famed. Our journey ends as we sail into Kangerlussuaq at the head of Sondre Stromfjord, nestled against one of the largest ice caps in the world.

(Adventure Canada)