Port news from Marseille Fos

Marseille - The Cruise Terminal with MSC FantasiaPassenger throughput was down 3% on 948,000 after ferry numbers dropped 9% to 352,000 – North Africa carryings improved 5% but Corsica figures fell by 13%.

Cruise numbers ahead of the peak July-October season rose 1% to 597,000 passengers, with the home port total of 216,000 passengers helped by the arrival of the world’s largest cruiseship, Allure of the Seas, in May.

City attraction
Following a call in February for expressions of interest, the Marseille Fos port authority has chosen the City of Marseille to open a visitor attraction on the second storey of the former J1 warehouse, which houses the international ferry terminal on the lower floors.
The initial concession, due to open next summer, is for two years pending a port-urban development offering public amenities on and around the site. Discussions on this are due to start in early 2016. Meanwhile plans are being finalised for the interim scheme, which will promote the city’s cultural and maritime heritage.

(Marseille Fos)