Carnival Launches “Welcome to Fun” Email Marketing Initiative Aimed At New Travel Agents

Carnival Cruise Line has launched a new email marketing initiative aimed at travel partners who are new to selling Carnival. The custom-created content provides a comprehensive overview of the line’s many tools and resources that agents can leverage to start selling with success.

Designed as a one-stop shop to introduce new agents to Carnival, the five-part “Welcome to Fun” email marketing program covers a wide range of topics, everything from maximizing the use of the line’s travel agent Internet portal to details on the award-winning Carnival Passport travel agent educational tool and the Travel Partner Toolbox featuring quick and easy access to trade support and sales-boosting resources.

The benefits of the line’s one-of-a-kind Travel Agent Rewards Program, which enables agents to earn points redeemable for a variety of prizes for the activities they do every day in working with Carnival, are included, as well.

“We heard through our Carnival Conversations events that while we’re an excellent line for new agents to start selling given our mass market appeal, our wide-ranging training resources can be a bit daunting when agents are just getting started,” said Adolfo Perez, Carnival’s vice president of trade sales and marketing.

“The ‘Welcome to Fun’ email program intuitively detects new agents when they register on and provides them with helpful information to guide them through our key sales and marketing resources, all in an easy-to-navigate format,” he added.

“We’re pleased that Carnival has created this dedicated email series for new agents. We prioritize training and providing new agents with easily accessible information that shortens the learning curve is important to helping them grow their business – tools like this really help,” said Michelle Fee, CEO and co-founder of Cruise Planners, an American Express travel representative.

To receive the “Welcome to Fun” series of emails, new agents may register on From there, they will automatically receive a series of five emails over a two week period following their initial registration.

(Carnival Cruise Line)